We are a museum-based, fieldwork-intensive, and computational-savvy lab focused on Bird speciation in the Tropics. Here we bridge ecology, evolution, and organismal biology to explore some of the most fundamental principles that rule the diversity of life on earth. We are especially interested in exploring the neutral and adaptive processes shaping the genome of species, and driving population differentiation. We are also interested in tracking cryptic diversity across the Neotropical region, and developing new methodological approaches to analyze population genetics and genomic data. Sampling remote areas in the Neotropics is an important component of what we do, and we often find ourselves in a boat in the middle of the Amazon. We are part of the Louisiana State University Department of Biological Science and are proudly responsible for curating and growing one of the largest genetic resource collection in the world at the Louisiana State University Museum of Natural Science. In summary, if you are looking for a welcoming and inclusive environment and are interested in birds, genomes, and amazing field trips this might be the place for you!