Luna, L.W., Naka, L.N., Thom, G., Knowles, L.L., Sawakuchi, A.O., Aleixo, A., Ribas, C.C. Late Pleistocene landscape changes and habitat specialization as promoters of population genomic divergence in Amazonian floodplain birds. Molecular Ecology. 2023. link
Smith, B. T.; J. Merwin; K. L. Provost; G. Thom; R. T. Brumfield; M. Ferreira; W. M. Mauck iii; R. G. Moyle; T. Wright; L. Joseph. Phylogenomic analysis of the parrots of the world distinguishes artifactual from biological sources of gene tree discordance. Systematic Biology syac055. 2023. link
Thom, G.; Moreira, L.R.; Batista, R.; Gehara, M.; Aleixo, A.; Smith, B. Genomic architecture controls spatial structuring in Amazonian birds. BioRxiv 2021.12.01.470789 Submission to Genome Biology and Evolution, 2023. link
Musher, L.J.; Giakoumis, M.; Albert, J.; Del Rio, G.; Rego, M.; Thom, G.; Aleixo, A.; Ribas, C.C.; Brumfield, R.T.; Smith, B.T.; Cracraft, J. River network rearrangements promote speciation in lowland Amazonian birds. Science Advances, 2022. link
Thom, G.; Ribas, C.; Shultz, E.; Aleixo, A.; Miyaki, C. Y. Population dynamics of Amazonian floodplain forest specialists support spatial variation on genetic diversity but not range expansions through time. Journal of Biogeography, 2022 link
Raposo-do-Amaral, F.; Thom, G.; Lima‐Ribeiro, M. S.; Alvarado‐Serrano, D. F.; Montesanti, J. A. C.; Pellegrino, K.; Miyaki C.M.; Hickerson, M.J.;Maldonado‐Coelho,M. Rugged relief, and climate promote isolation and divergence between two neotropical cold‐associated birds. Evolution, 2021 link
Thom, G.; M. Gehara; Smith, B. T.; Miyaki, C. Y.; Amaral, F. R. Microevolutionary dynamics show tropical valleys are deeper for montane birds of the Atlantic Forest. Nature Communications 12: 6269, 2021 link
Thom, G.; Smith, B. T.; M. Gehara; J. Montesanti; Lima-Ribeiro, M. S. ; Piacentini, V. Q. ; Miyaki, C. Y; Amaral, F. R . Climatic Dynamics And Topography Control Genetic Variation In Atlantic Forest Montane Birds. Molecular Phylogenetics And Evolution, 148 – 106812, 2020. link
Musher, L.; P. Galante; Thom, G.; J. Huntley; M. Blair. Shifting Ecosystem Connectivity During The Pleistocene Drove Diversification And Gene-flow In A Species-complex Of Neotropical Birds (Tityridae: Pachyramphus). Journal Of Biogeography, 106812, 2020. link
Thom, G.; Xue, A. T.; Sawakuchi, A. O.; Ribas, C. C.; Hickerson, M. J.; Aleixo, A.; Miyaki, C. Quaternary Climate Changes As Speciation Drivers In The Amazon Floodplains. Science Advances, V. 6, P. Eaax4718,
Silva, S. M. ; Peterson, A. T. ; Carneiro, L. ; Burlamaqui, T. C. T. ; Ribas, C.a C. ; Sousa-neves, T. ; Miranda, L. S. ; Fernandes, A. M. ; D'horta, F. M. ; Araújo-silva, L. E. ; Batista, R. ; Bandeira, C. H. M. M. ; Dantas, S. M. ; Ferreira, M. ; Martins, D. M. ; Oliveira, J. ; Rocha, T. C. ; Sardelli, C. H. ; Thom, G. ; Rêgo, P. S. ; Santos, M. P. ; Sequeira, F. ; Vallinoto, M. ; Aleixo, A. A Dynamic Continental Moisture Gradient Drove Amazonian Bird Diversification. Science Advances, V. 5, P. Eaat5752, 2019. link
Amaral, F R; Alvarado-Serrano, D; Maldonado-Coelho, M; Pellegrino, K C M; Miyaki, C Y; Montesanti, J A. C. Lima-Ribeiro, M S; Hickerson, M J; Thom G. Climate explains recent population divergence, introgression, and persistence in tropical mountains: phylogenomic evidence from Atlantic Forest warbling finches. BioRxiv
Thom, G; Amaral, F R; Hickerson, M J; Aleixo, A; Araujo-Silva, L E; Ribas, C C; Choueri, E; Miyaki, C Y Phenotypic and genetic structure support gene flow generating gene tree discordances in an Amazonian floodplain endemic species. Systematic Biology, 67: 700-718,
Amaral, F R; Maldonado-Coelho, M; Aleixo, A; Luna, L W; Rego, P; Araripe, J; Souza, T O; Silva, W A G; Thom, G. Recent chapters of neotropical history overlooked in phylogeography: shallow divergence explains phenotype and genotype uncoupling in Antilophia manakins. Molecular Ecology, 27: 4108-4120, 2018. *Journal Coverlink
Choueri, É L; Gubili, C; Borges, S H; Thom, G; Sawakuchi, AO; Soares, E A A; Ribas, C C. Phylogeography and population dynamics of antbirds (Thamnophilidae) from amazonian fluvial islands. Journal of Biogeography, 47:2284-2294,
Buainain, N; Faria, S P; Seixas, L; Thom, G; Assis, C P. First record of the Hauxwell’s thrush, Turdus hauxwelli Lawrence, 1869 (Aves: Turdidae) from Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, and geographic range extension. Check List, Journal Of Species List And Distribution, 13: 163-167, 2017.
Svensson-Coelho, M; Thom, G; Santos, S S; Miranda, L S; Araujo-Silva, L E; Ricklefs, R E; Miyaki, C Y; Maldonado-Coelho, M. Lower detection probability of avian Plasmodium in blood compared to other tissues. Journal Of Parasitology, 16: 16-8r1, 2016.
Thom, G; Aleixo, A. Cryptic speciation in the white-shouldered antshrike (Thamnophilus aethiops, Aves - Thamnophilidae): the tale of a transcontinental radiation across rivers in lowland Amazonia and the northeastern Atlantic forest. Molecular Phylogenetics And Evolution, 82: 95-110,
Lima, J L R; Soares, F A; Remedios, A C S; Thom, G; Wirthlin, M; Aleixo, A; Schneider, M P C; Mello, C V; Schneider, P N. A putative RA-like region in the brain of the scale-backed antbird, Willisornis poecilinotus (Furnariides, Suboscines, Passeriformes, Thamnophilidae). Genetics And Molecular Biology, 38: 249-254,
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Rupp, A E; Fink, D; Thom, G; Zermiani, M; Zimmermann, C E; Laps, R R. Novas espécies de aves para o estado de Santa Catarina, Sul do Brasil. Biotemas, V. 21, P. 165-169, 2008.
Brandt, C S; Krieck, C; Rupp, A E; Fink, D; Thom, G; Zimmermann, C E. Registros recentes de Platyrinchus leucoryphus (Wied, 1831) no Estado de Santa Catarina, Sul Do Brasil. Revista Brasileira De Ornitologia, 16: 67-69, 2008.
Rupp, A E; Thom, G; Laps, R R; Zimmermann, C E. Registros relevantes de aves campestres e aquáticas no planalto norte de Santa Catarina, Brasil. Revista Brasileira De Ornitologia, 16: 2008.
Rupp, A E; Brandt, C S; Fink, D; Thom, G; Laps, R R; Zimmermann, C E. Registros de Caprimulgiformes e a primeira ocorrência de Caprimulgus sericocaudatus (bacurau-rabo-de-seda) no Estado De Santa Catarina, Brasil. Revista Brasileira De Ornitologia, 15: 605-608, 2007.